Work Smarter. Not Harder.

It’s time for smartglasses that make you want to get up and go to work.
Now seeing is believing.

XR devices that adapt to the user

It’s not just about the experience a device can provide, but also how the user feels while using the device


Glasses are a part of a person’s identity so the wearable tech we use must represent our personality.


No compromises – smartglasses must fit just right. Period.


Information, data and entertainment delivered seamlessly, discretely, and only when the user wants it.

Social acceptability

We’re focused on people and how they use and experience our technology. That’s why we offer the first purposefully-built XR/AR device designed for enterprise and industrial-lite workers with industry-leading minimal eye glow for greater social acceptability.

What is eye glow?

Eye glow is a general side effect of diffractive waveguides. It occurs when light is projected away from the user’s eye and is visible to the outside world. High eye glow can be distracting to others, reduce visibility to the user’s eyes, and is typically a sign of lower waveguide efficiency.


The biggest difference between a VR headset and true XR/AR glasses is the user’s ability to see the real world around them and for other’s to see their eyes so that the human connection isn’t lost.

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